News & Event Archives Year 2014

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    Road Trip to Northern Economic Corridor (NEC) – LAO PDR and "Road Trip to Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) – Cambodia – Vietnam" 2014

    Internationalization is one of guiding themes of Mahidol University's Strategic Plan (2013-2016). As a result, the International Relations Division has taken a leading role in organizing activities which aim to create a greater international awareness in the university's staff and students. As an example, and since 2013, the division has been running the "MU to ASEAN Student Visit" series. These activities aim to promote the establishment of the ASEAN Community in 2015 while strengthening inter-university relations across the region. By allowing participants to gain new insights into each other's way-of-life, histories and cultures, it is hoped that these activities will create long-lasting bonds between students, staff and partner universities.

    From 21st - 29th March 2014, the International Relations Division held the first of this year's visits entitled "Road Trip to Northern Economic Corridor (NEC) – LAO PDR". A second visit "Road Trip to Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) – Cambodia – Vietnam" was also held for 15th -24th May 2014.